Continuing professional education

Craniomandibular Disorders: An Overview

Max Subscription:
14 Days

US $45.00

This webinar is an overview of Craniomandibular Disorders and will be presented covering anatomy, mechanics, common pathologies and current physical therapy approaches. Current approaches to Craniomandibular disorders in dentistry and medicine will also be described.

Seminar Description

Objectives‐Participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the anatomical features of the Craniomandibular complex
  • Describe the normal mechanics of Craniomandibular complex as well as common patterns of abnormal or dysfunctional motion
  • Describe common pathologies occurring in the Craniomandibular complex
  • Describe developmental, functional and structural contributions to the development of Craniomandibular disorders
  • Discuss physical therapy approaches to examination for Craniomandibular disorders
  • Discuss current trends in medicine and dentistry for the management ofCraniomandibular disorders

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