School of Nursing

PG Nursing Certificates Tuition & Fees

See all PGNC tuition & fees below.

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Total program tuition and fees for the Summer 2025 academic term are as follows.

Nurse Educator and Nurse Executive Post-Graduate CertificatesTuition and Fees
School Expenses
Technology Fees$1,200.00
Books & Associated School Expenses$666.00
Total Program Direct Expenses$11,480.00

Students whose address on record is in California at the time tuition is first charged and/or who attend the California campus will be responsible for paying a one-time Student Tuition Recovery Fund non-refundable fee, pursuant to California Code of Regulations §76120.
Choose your graduate certificate in nursing to see the program tuition and fee estimates. All tuition and fee numbers are subject to change.

Total program tuition and fees for the Summer 2025 academic term are as follows.

Family Nurse Practitioner Post-Graduate CertificateTuition and Fees
School Expenses
Tuition Approximately – 31-credit program$24,836.00
Technology Fees$3,000.00
Books & Associated School Expenses$1,590.00
Total Program Direct Expenses$29,426.00

Students whose address on record is in California when tuition is first charged and/or who attend the California campus will be responsible for paying a one-time Student Tuition Recovery Fund non-refundable fee, pursuant to California Code of Regulations §76120.
Choose your graduate certificate in nursing and the campus you are interested in attending to see the program tuition and fee estimates. All tuition and fee numbers are subject to change.

Total program tuition and fees for the Summer 2025 academic term are as follows.

PMHNP Post-Graduate Certificate, APRN-EntryTuition and Fees
School Expenses
Tuition Approximately – 28-credit program$22,433.00
Technology Fees$3,000.00
Books & Associated School Expenses$1,590.00
Total Program Direct Expenses$27,023.00
PMHNP Post-Graduate Certificate, Non-APRN-EntryTuition and Fees
School Expenses
Tuition Approximately – 37-credit program$29,643.00
Technology Fees$3,600.00
Books & Associated School Expenses$1,908.00
Total Program Direct Expenses$35,151.00

Students whose address on record is in California when tuition is first charged and/or who attend the California campus will be responsible for paying a one-time Student Tuition Recovery Fund non-refundable fee, pursuant to California Code of Regulations §76120.
Choose your graduate certificate in nursing and the campus you are interested in attending to see the program tuition and fee estimates. All tuition and fee numbers are subject to change.

*For additional details on the Cost of Attendance for your program, please refer to the University Catalog/Handbook. Students might incur additional costs for their program, including, but not limited to, costs associated with intensives, practica, and/or optional immersions.

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