Leading Physical Therapy Programs

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

USAHS offers three different pathways to your degree, each designed to meet your unique learning and lifestyle needs.

You will graduate practice-ready, equipped to shape your future as a PT leader. USAHS’ curriculum is designed with a strong emphasis on professional formation and development through enriching, technologically advanced online course work, electives and on-campus immersive learning experiences. Our practicing expert faculty build not just your clinical skills but also your leadership and professional competencies. With a focus on human-centric care, you will develop as an exceptional PT with the skills to succeed.

Learn more about our pathways to a DPT degree below.

See Requirements & Program Details
Learn About What Sets the USAHS DPT Apart

NEW Hybrid Immersion DPT Pathway!

We're pleased to announce our new Hybrid Immersion DPT* starting Fall 2025!
Learn More
See terms *The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) is seeking approval from the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) for an expansion of its Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at its San Marcos, CA, and Miami, FL, campuses with a Hybrid Immersion model. Approval of the expansion programs is required prior to implementation. Applicants interested in the Hybrid Immersion DPT format should contact an enrollment advisor using the Request Information form.

DPT Program at a Glance

Campuses: San Marcos, CA | St. Augustine, FL | Miami, FL | Austin, TX | Dallas, TX

Format: Weekday In-Person Coursework + On-Campus Labs blended with online components

Start Dates: Three to Choose From: Sept., Jan., May The Dallas campus only offers the Residential DPT program in Sept. of each year

Duration: 2.3 years (7 trimesters)**

Campuses: San Marcos, CA | Miami, FL

Format: Online Coursework and 2+ On-Campus Learning Experiences per Term

Start Date: Sept. and Jan.

Duration: 2.3 years (7 trimesters)**

Campuses: San Marcos, CA | St. Augustine, FL | Austin, TX

Format: Online Coursework + Immersive Hands-on Labs on Select Weekends

Start Dates: Start Dates Vary by Campus

Duration: 3 years (9 trimesters)**

*Hybrid Immersion DPT: The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) is seeking approval from the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) for an expansion of its Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at its San Marcos, CA, and Miami, FL, campuses with a Hybrid Immersion model. Approval of the expansion programs is required prior to implementation.

**Program designed to be completed in this time frame. Time to completion may vary by student, depending on individual progress, credits transferred and other factors.


USAHS offers scholarships for our Doctor of Physical Therapy program to recognize outstanding academic achievement and reward personal accomplishments.

Facts and Figures



Faculty with Expertise in 35 PT Specialties



PT alumni, largest network of practicing PT alumni Based on total DPT degrees conferred during 2020-2022, as reported by the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data is captured by IPEDS through interrelated surveys conducted annually by the Department of Education’s National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES).



Campus locations with Centers for Innovative Clinical Practice and Pro Bono clinical experiences



Year legacy developing and delivering PT education

DPT Curriculum

The DPT integrated curriculum will be delivered in 7 trimesters for the Residential and Hybrid Immersion pathways and 9 trimesters for Flex. Highlights include: innovative immersive lab experiences where students integrate and apply learnings from coursework to refine clinical skills, clinical simulations, pro bono clinical experiences and faculty mentoring. A newly designed Integrated Foundational Science course will cover anatomy, physiology, neuroscience and biomechanics. Students will also take electives in advanced clinical areas of expertise which may include sports physical therapy, pelvic health, physical therapy practice management, pediatrics, neuromuscular and musculoskeletal evaluation. For the Hybrid Immersion pathway, there are a total of 9 on-campus immersive learning experiences that take place in trimesters 1-4. There are three on-campus learning experiences in trimester 1 and two on-campus learning experiences in trimesters 2, 3 and 4. For the Flex pathway, there are 7-9 on-campus immersive learning experiences each term that take place in trimesters 1-6.

Residential DPT (San Marcos, CA; St. Augustine and Miami, FL; Austin, TX; Dallas, TX) and
Hybrid Immersion DPT (San Marcos, CA, and Miami, FL) Curriculum

Full Trimester Courses: 6 credits (Term A)
PHT 5162C - Health Promotion, Fitness & Wellness (2 credits)
PHT 5161 - Professional Formation I (2)
PHT 5166C - Integrated Clinical Lab I (2)
1st Half Trimester I: 6 Credits (Subterm D)2nd Half Trimester I: 6 Credits (Subterm E)
PHT 5117C - Integrated Foundational Sciences I (3)PHT 5127C - Integrated Foundational Sciences II (3)
PHT 5128 - Teaching & Learning In Physical Therapy (1)PHT 5151 - Societal Health & Healthcare Systems (1)
PHT 5139 - Fundamentals of Physical Therapy (2)PHT 5156 - Evidence Informed Practice (2)
Total Trimester Credits: 18
Full Trimester Courses: 3 credits (Term A)
PHT 5262 - Professional Formation II (1)
PHT 5266C - Integrated Clinical Lab II (2)
1st Half Trimester II: 8 Credits (Subterm D)2nd Half Trimester II: 8 Credits (Subterm E)
PHT 5237 - Medical Screening & Pathology I (2)PHT 5247 - Medical Screening & Pathology II (2)
PHT 5211C - Patient Examination I (2)PHT 5222C - Patient Examination II (2)
PHT 5203 - Clinical Reasoning & Communication (1)PHT 5244 - Innovation & Technology (1)
PHT 5216 - Biophysical Agents (1)PHT 5249C - Exercise Science & Prescription (3)
PHT 5228 - Science of Movement (2)
Total Trimester II Credits: 19
Full Trimester Courses: 5 credits (Term A)
PHT 5303 - Integumentary (1)
PHT 5342 - Clinical Reasoning & Decision Making I (1)
PHT 5363 - Professional Formation III (1)
PHT 5366C - Integrated Clinical Lab III (2)
1st Half Trimester III: 6 Credits (Subterm D)2nd Half Trimester III: 6 Credits (Subterm E)
PHT 5311C - Neuromuscular I (2)PHT 5302C - Neuromuscular II (2)
PHT 5321C - Musculoskeletal I (2)PHT 5322C - Musculoskeletal II (2)
PHT 5332C - Cardiovascular & Pulmonary I (2)PHT 5341C - Cardiovascular & Pulmonary II (2)
Total Trimester III Credits: 17
Full Trimester Courses: 4 credits (Term A)
PHT 5442 - Clinical Reasoning & Decision Making II (1)
PHT 5464 - Professional Formation IV (1)
PHT 5466C - Integrated Clinical Lab IV (2)
1st Half Trimester IV: 8 Credits (Subterm D)2nd Half Trimester IV: 8 Credits (Subterm E)
PHT 5419C - Physical Therapy Across the Lifespan: Pediatrics (2)PHT 5434C - Physical Therapy Across the Lifespan: Older Adult (2)
PHT 5428C - Acute Care Physical Therapy (2)PHT 5447C - Prosthetics & Orthotics (2)
PHT 5403C - Musculoskeletal III (2)PHT 5404C - Musculoskeletal IV (2)
PHT 5423C - Neuromuscular III (2)PHT 5424C - Neuromuscular IV (2)
Total Trimester IV Credits: 20
Trimester V starts with coursework and ends with a 12-week clinical experience
PHT 5540 - Terminal Clinical I (10)*
PHT 5526 - Humanities in Healthcare (2)
Total Trimester V Credits: 12
Trimester VI starts with a 10-week clinical experience and ends with coursework
PHT 5640 - Terminal Clinical II (8)*
PHT 5655 - Professional Formation V (1)
PHT 5617 - Frontiers in Rehabilitation (2)
Elective A (1)
Total Trimester VI Credits: 12
Trimester VII starts with a 10-week clinical experience and ends with coursework
PHT 5740 - Terminal Clinical III -10 weeks (8)*
PHT 5766 - Professional Formation VI (2)
Elective B (1)
Elective C (1)
Total Trimester VII Credits: 12
Total Program Credits: 110
*32 weeks total clinical education experience

Flex DPT Curriculum

Full Trimester Courses: 4 credits (Term A)
PHT 5162C - Health Promotion, Fitness & Wellness (2 credits)
PHT 5159 - Professional Formation IA (1)
PHT 5164C - Integrated Clinical Lab I X (1)
1st Half Trimester I: 4 Credits (Subterm D)2nd Half Trimester I: 5 Credits (Subterm E)
PHT 5117C - Integrated Foundational Sciences I (3)PHT 5127C - Integrated Foundational Sciences II (3)
PHT 5128 - Teaching & Learning In Physical Therapy (1)PHT 5139 - Fundamentals of Physical Therapy (2)
Total Trimester Credits: 13
Full Trimester Courses: 7 credits (Term A)
PHT 5211C - Patient Examination I (2)
PHT 5237 - Medical Screening & Pathology I (2)
PHT 5259 - Professional Formation IB (1)
PHT 5264C - Integrated Clinical Lab II X (2)
1st Half Trimester II: 3 Credits (Subterm D)2nd Half Trimester II: 4 Credits (Subterm E)
PHT 5203 - Clinical Reasoning & Communication (1)PHT 5249C - Exercise Science & Prescription (3)
PHT 5228 - Science of Movement (2)PHT 5151 - Societal Health & Healthcare Systems (1)
Total Trimester II Credits: 14
Full Trimester Courses: 7 credits (Term A)
PHT 5222C - Patient Examination II (2)
PHT 5247 - Medical Screening & Pathology II (2)
PHT 5262 - Professional Formation II (1)
PHT 5364C - Integrated Clinical Lab III II X (2)
1st Half Trimester III: 4 Credits (Subterm D)2nd Half Trimester III: 3 Credits (Subterm E)
PHT 5156 - Evidence Informed Practice (2)PHT 5244 - Innovation & Technology (1)
PHT 5332C - Cardiovascular & Pulmonary I (2)PHT 5341C - Cardiovascular & Pulmonary II (2)
Total Trimester III Credits: 14
Full Trimester Courses: 2 credits (Term A)
PHT 5342 - Clinical Reasoning & Decision Making I (1)
PHT 5467C - Integrated Clinical Lab IV X (1)
1st Half Trimester IV: 5 Credits (Subterm D)2nd Half Trimester IV: 4 Credits (Subterm E)
PHT 5216 - Biophysical Agents (1)PHT 5320C - Neuromuscular II (2)
PHT 5311C - Neuromuscular I (2)PHT 5322C - Musculoskeletal II (2)
PHT 5321C - Musculoskeletal I (2)
Total Trimester IV Credits: 11
Full Trimester Courses: 4 credits (Term A)
PHT 5442 - Clinical Reasoning & Decision Making II (1)
PHT 5303 - Integumentary (1)
PHT 5363 - Professional Formation III (1)
PHT 5564C - Integrated Clinical Lab V X (1)
1st Half Trimester V: 4 Credits (Subterm D)2nd Half Trimester V: 4 Credits (Subterm E)
PHT 5403C - Musculoskeletal III (2)PHT 5404C - Musculoskeletal IV (2)
PHT 5423C - Neuromuscular III (2)PHT 5424C - Neuromuscular IV (2)
Total Trimester V Credits: 12
Full Trimester Courses: 2 credits (Term A)
PHT 5464 - Professional Formation IV (1)
PHT 5664C - Integrated Clinical Lab VI X (1)
1st Half Trimester VI: 4 Credits (Subterm D)2nd Half Trimester VI: 4 Credits (Subterm E)
PHT 5419C - Physical Therapy Across the Lifespan: Pediatrics (2)PHT 5434C - Physical Therapy Across the Lifespan: Older Adult (2)
PHT 5428C - Acute Care Physical Therapy (2)PHT 5447C - Prosthetics & Orthotics (2)
Total Trimester VI Credits: 10
TRIMESTER VII - Term VII Flex starts with coursework and ends with a 12-week clinical experience
PHT 5540 - Terminal Clinical I* (10)
PHT 5526 - Humanities in Healthcare (2)
Total Trimester VII Credits: 12
Trimester VIII - Term VIII Flex starts with a 10-week clinical experience and ends with coursework
PHT 5640 - Terminal Clinical II* (8)
PHT 5655 - Professional Formation V (1)
PHT 5617 - Frontiers in Rehabilitation (2)
Elective A (1)
Total Trimester VIII Credits: 12
TRIMESTER IX Term IX Flex starts with a 10-week clinical experience and ends with coursework
PHT 5740 - Terminal Clinical III* (8)
PHT 5766 - Professional Formation VI (2)
Elective B (1)
Elective C (1)
Total Trimester IX Credits: 12
Total Program Credits: 110
*32 weeks total clinical education experience


DPT Accreditation and State Approvals/Post-Graduation Licensure

The Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org website: http://www.capteonline.org accredits the Doctor of Physical Therapy and the Doctor of Physical Therapy Flex programs at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences on a campus-by-campus basis.

The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) is seeking approval from the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) for an expansion of its Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at its San Marcos, CA, and Miami, FL, campuses with a Hybrid Immersion model. Approval of the expansion programs is required prior to implementation.

Applicants interested in the Hybrid Immersion DPT format should contact an enrollment advisor using the Request Information form.

The DPT program accreditation status of each USAHS campus is as follows:

DPT Program Accreditation Status

Doctor of Physical Therapy – San Marcos Campus

The Doctor of Physical Therapy and Doctor of Physical Therapy Flex programs at the San Marcos, California, campus of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org; website: http://www.capteonline.org. The Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy, Clinical Orthopaedic Residency, and Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship programs are not subject to accreditation by CAPTE. If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call Dr. Jim Mathews at 760-410-5316 or email jmathews@usa.edu.

Graduates are eligible to take the national licensing examination administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). In addition, all states require licensure to practice. After successful completion of the national exam and receiving state licensure, the individual will be a Physical Therapist (PT). A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the FSBPT examination or attain state licensure.

Doctor of Physical Therapy – St. Augustine Campus

The Doctor of Physical Therapy and Doctor of Physical Therapy Flex programs at the St. Augustine, Florida campus, of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org; website: http://www.capteonline.org. The Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy, Clinical Orthopaedic Residency, and Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship programs are not subject to accreditation by CAPTE. If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call Dr. Beth Ennis at 904-770-3645 or email bennis@usa.edu.

Graduates are eligible to take the national licensing examination administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). In addition, all states require licensure to practice. After successful completion of the national exam and receiving state licensure, the individual will be a Physical Therapist (PT). A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the FSBPT examination or attain state licensure.

Doctor of Physical Therapy – Miami Campus

The Doctor of Physical Therapy program at the Miami, Florida, campus of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org; website: http://www.capteonline.org. The Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy, Clinical Orthopaedic Residency, and Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship programs are not subject to accreditation by CAPTE. If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call Dr. Beth Ennis at 904-770-3645 or email bennis@usa.edu.

Graduates are eligible to take the national licensing examination administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). In addition, all states require licensure to practice. After successful completion of the national exam and receiving state licensure, the individual will be a Physical Therapist (PT). A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the FSBPT examination or attain state licensure.

Doctor of Physical Therapy – Austin Campus

The Doctor of Physical Therapy and Doctor of Physical Therapy Flex programs at the Austin, Texas, campus of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org; website: http://www.capteonline.org. The Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy, Clinical Orthopaedic Residency, and Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship programs are not subject to accreditation by CAPTE. If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call Dr. Chris Wise at 737-202-3347 or email cwise@usa.edu.

Graduates are eligible to take the national licensing examination administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). In addition, all states require licensure to practice. After successful completion of the national exam and receiving state licensure, the individual will be a Physical Therapist (PT). A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the FSBPT examination or attain state licensure.

Doctor of Physical Therapy – Dallas Campus

The Doctor of Physical Therapy program at the Dallas, Texas, campus of the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: accreditation@apta.org; website: http://www.capteonline.org. The Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy, Clinical Orthopaedic Residency, and Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship programs are not subject to accreditation by CAPTE. If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call or email Dr. Thomas P. Werner at 469-498-5740 or twerner@usa.edu.

Graduates are eligible to take the national licensing examination administered by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). In addition, all states require licensure to practice. After successful completion of the national exam and receiving state licensure, the individual will be a Physical Therapist (PT). A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the FSBPT examination or attain state licensure.

Process to file a complaint with CAPTE

Additional information regarding this accreditation is available by contacting:

Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)
American Physical Therapy Association
3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100
Alexandria, VA 22305-3085
telephone: 703-706-3245
email: accreditation@apta.org
website: www.capteonline.org

DPT Program

State Approvals

DPT-Curriculum for students starting Fall 2024 and beyond

Post-Graduation Licensure

The USAHS DPT program satisfies the educational requirements for licensure in all 50 states; however, the states denoted with restrictions reflect where USAHS does not have state authorization to offer on-the-ground education activities, so only our Residential DPT is available for enrollment to prospective students currently living in those states.  These restrictions should not impact a graduates’ eligibility for professional licensure in his/her state, provided all other requirements are met.

USAHS has not made a determination that its curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure or certification in the following locations:  American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau.

State Approvals

USAHS currently is accepting applications for enrollment in the Doctor of Physical Therapy (7 term curriculum) for residents of the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

USAHS is not accepting applications from prospective students residing in states where the institution does not have state authorization. However, prospective students are encouraged to check back in the near future as the DPT program may be offered in additional states.  Current and admitted students are also advised to monitor this page for any updates prior to relocating to another state, as this can have an impact on continued enrollment in the DPT degree program and the ability to be placed for on-the-ground activities or clinical field experiences.

For states denoted with clinical field experience and other on-the-ground activity restrictions, USAHS does not have the necessary state authorization approvals to offer on-the-ground activities of this kind in those states at this time.


USAHS Residential DPT State Approvals-11-12-2024

It remains the student’s responsibility to understand, evaluate, and comply with all requirements relating to clinical education experiences, licensing or certification, authorization or endorsement for the state in which she or he resides.

HI DPT-Curriculum (San Marcos and Miami) – Starting Spring 2025 and beyond

Post-Graduation Licensure

The HI DPT satisfies the educational requirements for licensure in all 50 states. For states denoted with clinical field experience and other on-the-ground activity restrictions, USAHS does not have the necessary state authorization approvals to offer on-the-ground activities of this kind in those states at this time. However, these restrictions should not impact a graduates’ eligibility for professional licensure in his/her state, provided all other requirements are met.

USAHS has not made a determination that its curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure or certification in the following locations:  American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau.

State Approvals

USAHS currently is accepting applications for enrollment in the Hybrid Immersion Doctorate of Physical Therapy for residents of the following states:  Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

USAHS is not accepting applications from prospective students residing in states where the institution does not have state authorization. However, prospective students are encouraged to check back in the near future as the DPT program may be offered in additional states.  Current and admitted students are also advised to monitor this page for any updates prior to relocating to another state, as this can have an impact on continued enrollment in the DPT degree program and the ability to be placed for on-the-ground activities or clinical field experiences.


It remains the student’s responsibility to understand, evaluate, and comply with all requirements relating to clinical education experiences, licensing or certification, authorization or endorsement for the state in which she or he resides.

Flex DPT Curriculum (San Marcos, St. Augustine, and Austin) for students starting Fall 2024 and beyond

Post-Graduation Licensure

The USAHS Flex DPT program satisfies the educational requirements for licensure in all 50 states; however, the states denoted with restrictions reflect where USAHS does not have state authorization to offer on-the-ground education activities, so only our Residential DPT is available for enrollment to prospective students currently living in those states.  These restrictions should not impact a graduates’ eligibility for professional licensure in his/her state, provided all other requirements are met.

USAHS has not made a determination that its curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure or certification in the following locations:  American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau.

State Approvals

USAHS currently is accepting applications for enrollment in the Flex Doctorate of Physical Therapy (9 term curriculum) for residents of the following states: Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

USAHS is not accepting applications from prospective students residing in states where the institution does not have state authorization. However, prospective students are encouraged to check back in the near future as the DPT program may be offered in additional states.  Current and admitted students are also advised to monitor this page for any updates prior to relocating to another state, as this can have an impact on continued enrollment in the DPT degree program and the ability to be placed for on-the-ground activities or clinical field experiences.


USAHS Flex DPT State Approvals-8-7-24

It remains the student’s responsibility to understand, evaluate, and comply with all requirements relating to clinical education experiences, licensing or certification, authorization or endorsement for the state in which she or he resides.

DPT Curriculum for students that started in Summer 2024 and before

Post-Graduation Licensure

The USAHS DPT program satisfies the educational requirements for licensure in all 50 states. However, the states denoted with restrictions reflect where USAHS does not have state authorization to offer on-the-ground education activities, so only our Residential DPT is available for enrollment to prospective students currently living in those states. These restrictions should not impact a graduates’ eligibility for professional licensure in his/her state, provided all other requirements are met.

USAHS has not made a determination that its curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure or certification in the following locations:  American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau.

State Approvals

USAHS currently is accepting applications for enrollment in the Doctor of Physical Therapy for residents of the following states:  Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

USAHS is not accepting applications from prospective students residing in states where the institution does not have state authorization. However, prospective students are encouraged to check back in the near future as the DPT program may be offered in additional states. Current and admitted students are also advised to monitor this page for any updates prior to relocating to another state, as this can have an impact on continued enrollment in the DPT degree program and the ability to be placed for on-the-ground activities or clinical field experiences.

For states denoted with clinical field experience and other on-the-ground activity restrictions, USAHS does not have the necessary state authorization approvals to offer on-the-ground activities of this kind in those states at this time.


DPT State Approvals - USAHS-DPT-website-map-6-25-2024

It remains the student’s responsibility to understand, evaluate, and comply with all requirements relating to field education experiences, licensing or certification, authorization or endorsement for the state in which she or he resides.

Flex DPT (San Marcos, St. Augustine, and Austin) Curriculum for students that started in Summer 2024 and before

Post-Graduation Licensure

The USAHS Flex DPT program satisfies the educational requirements for licensure in all 50 states. However, the states denoted with restrictions reflect where USAHS does not have state authorization to offer on-the-ground education activities, so only our Residential DPT is available for enrollment to prospective students currently living in those states.  These restrictions should not impact a graduates’ eligibility for professional licensure in his/her state, provided all other requirements are met.

USAHS has not made a determination that its curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure or certification in the following locations:  American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau.

State Approvals

USAHS currently is accepting applications for enrollment in the Flex Doctorate of Physical Therapy for residents of the following states:  Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

USAHS is not accepting applications from prospective students residing in states where the institution does not have state authorization. However, prospective students are encouraged to check back in the near future as the program may be offered in additional states.  Current and admitted students are also advised to monitor this page for any updates prior to relocating to another state, as this can have an impact on continued enrollment in the DPT degree program and the ability to be placed for on-the-ground activities or clinical field experiences.


Flex DPT State Approvals - USAHS

It remains the student’s responsibility to understand, evaluate, and comply with all requirements relating to field education experiences, licensing or certification, authorization or endorsement for the state in which she or he resides.


CAPTE - DPT Student Outcomes & Financial Fact Sheets

Graduation Rate at 150% (Two-year Average)

Graduation rate is the percentage of students who matriculated in the first course in the professional program after the add/drop period and who completed the program. The two-year average graduation rates in the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program are from 2021 to 2022, except for the Dallas, TX campus. The Dallas, TX campus graduated its first cohort in the spring of 2023, and the graduation rate below is for one graduating class. The information is reported in the CAPTE Annual Accreditation Report.

CampusResidential DPTFlex DPT
St. Augustine, FL98%97%
San Marcos, CA100%98%
Austin, TX98%100%
Miami, FL99%n/a *
Dallas, TX94%**n/a *

* Flex DPT is not offered at the Miami, FL and Dallas, TX campuses.
** Graduation rate for spring 2023 graduating class only.

National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) First Time and Ultimate Pass Rates (Two-year Average)

Graduates from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences in the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program are eligible to register for the NPTE, the physical therapist examination. The first-time and ultimate licensure pass rates averaged over graduation years 2021 and 2022 by DPT program format, Residential and Flex, are shown below, except for the Dallas, TX campus. The Dallas, TX campus graduated its first cohort in the spring of 2023, and the NPTE exam below is for one graduating class.

Residential DPTFlex DPT
CampusFirst TimeUltimateFirst TimeUltimate
St. Augustine, FL74%95%81%97%
San Marcos, CA70%98%63%96%
Austin, TX72%96%69%91%
Miami, FL63%92%                     n/a *
Dallas, TX83%**100%**                     n/a *

* Flex DPT is not offered at the Miami, FL and Dallas, TX campuses.
** Exam result for spring 2023 graduating class only.

Employment Rate (Two-year average)

The employment rates averaged over graduation calendar years 2021 and 2022 by DPT program track, Residential and Flex, are below, except for the Dallas, TX campus. The Dallas, TX campus graduated its first cohort in the spring of 2023, and the employment below is for one graduating class as of November 2023. The employment data was collected through a survey, phone calls, emails, and web searches.

CampusResidential DPTFlex DPT
St. Augustine, FL97%98%
San Marcos, CA94%97%
Austin, TX98%96%
Miami, FL97%n/a *
Dallas, TX100%**n/a *

* Flex DPT is not offered at the Miami, FL and Dallas, TX campuses.
** Employment result for spring 2023 graduating class who provided employment data as of November 2023.

Financial Fact Sheets

Program Name: USAHS - San Marcos Residential Doctor of Physical Therapy Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students applies to students experiencing the program starting in fall 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 105
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 121
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students starting the program in fall 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$55,036$55,036$18,346$128,418
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$1,650$1,650$550$3,850
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,575$1,575$525$3,675
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$58,260$58,260$19,420$135,943
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in academic year 2024 are not required to complete this section)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: n/a*
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: n/a*
*Beginning in fall 2024, students began a revised curriculum; the first graduates will be in December 2026.
Program Name: USAHS - San Marcos Flex Doctor of Physical Therapy Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program starting in fall 2024. Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 135
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 156
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students starting the program in fall 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$39,809$39,809$39,809$119,427
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$1,650$1,650$1,650$4,950
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,050$1,050$3,150
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$42,510$42,510$42,510$127,527
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in academic year 2024 are not required to complete this section)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: n/a*
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: n/a*
*Beginning in fall 2024, students began a revised curriculum; the first graduates will be in December 2026.
Program Name: USAHS - San Marcos Residential Doctor of Physical Therapy (8 Terms) Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 120
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 138
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students enrolled in the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$31,561$48,156$48,156$127,873
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$410$1,050$1,650$3,110
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,575$1,575$4,200
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$33,021$50,781$51,381$135,183
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in calendar year 2024 are not required to complete this section)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: $162,523
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: $169,300
Program Name: USAHS - San Marcos Flex Doctor of Physical Therapy (12 Terms) Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students applies to students experiencing the program program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 180
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 208
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students enrolled in the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$27,931$29,184$29,857$29,856$116,827
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$300$400$950$1,650$3,300
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,050$1,050$1,050$4,200
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$29,281$30,634$31,857$32,556$124,327
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in calendar year 2024 are not required to complete this section)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: $153,827
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: $164,474
Program Name: USAHS- St Augustine Residential Doctor of Physical Therapy Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program starting in fall 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 105
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 121
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students starting the program in fall 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$48,039$48,039$16,013$112,091
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$1,650$1,650$550$3,850
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,575$1,575$525$3,675
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$51,264$51,264$17,088$119,616
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in academic year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: n/a*
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: n/a*
*Beginning in fall 2024, students began a revised curriculum; the first graduates will be in December 2026.
Program Name: USAHS- St Augustine Flex Doctor of Physical Therapy Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program starting in fall 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 135
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 156
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students starting the program in fall 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$32,996$32,996$32,997$98,989
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$1,650$1,650$1,650$4,950
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,050$1,050$3,150
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$35,697$35,697$35,697$107,089
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in academic year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: n/a*
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: n/a*
*Beginning in fall 2024, students began a revised curriculum; the first graduates will be in August 2027.
Program Name: USAHS- St Augustine Residential Doctor of Physical Therapy (8 Terms) Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 120
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 138
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students enrolled in the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$27,615$42,034$42,034$111,683
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$410$1,050$1,650$3,110
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,575$1,575$4,200
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$29,075$44,659$45,259$118,993
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in calendar year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: $134,137
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: $144,710
Program Name: USAHS- St Augustine Flex Doctor of Physical Therapy (12 Terms) Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 180
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 208
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students enrolled in the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$23,560$24,267$24,747$24,747$97,321
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$300$400$950$1,650$3,300
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,050$1,050$1,050$4,200
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$24,910$25,717$26,747$27,447$104,821
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in calendar year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: $116,057
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: $126,856
Program Name: USAHS - Miami Residential Doctor of Physical Therapy Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program starting in fall 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 105
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 121
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students starting the program in fall 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$48,039$48,039$16,013$112,091
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$1,650$1,650$550$3,850
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,5751,575$525$3,675
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$51,264$51,264$17,088$119,616
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in academic year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: n/a*
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: n/a*
*Beginning in fall 2024, students began a revised curriculum; the first graduates will be in December 2026.
Program Name: USAHS - Miami Residential Doctor of Physical Therapy (8 Terms) Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 120
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 138
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students enrolled in the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$24,760$36,326$42,034$103,120
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$410$1,050$1,650$3,110
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,575$1,575$4,200
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$26,220$38,951$45,259$110,430
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in calendar year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: $160,919
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: $171,829
Program Name: USAHS - Austin Residential Doctor of Physical Therapy Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program starting in fall 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 105
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 121
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students starting the program in fall 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$48,039$48,039$16,013$112,091
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$1,650$1,650$550$3,850
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,575$1,575$525$3,675
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$51,264$51,264$17,088$119,616
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in academic year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: n/a*
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: n/a*
*Beginning in fall 2024, students began a revised curriculum; the first graduates will be in December 2026.
Program Name: USAHS - Austin Flex Doctor of Physical Therapy Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program starting in fall 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 135
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 156
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students starting the program in fall 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$35,600$35,600$35,600$106,800
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$1,650$1,650$1,650$4,950
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,050$1,050$3,150
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$38,301$38,301$38,301$114,900
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in academic year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: n/a*
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: n/a*
*Beginning in fall 2024, students began a revised curriculum; the first graduates will be in August 2027.
Program Name: USAHS - Austin Residential Doctor of Physical Therapy (8 Terms) Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 120
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 138
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students enrolled in the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$27,615$42,034$42,034$111,683
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$410$1,050$1,650$3,110
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,575$1,575$4,200
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$29,075$44,659$45,259$118,993
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in calendar year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: $143,140
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: $152,887
Program Name: USAHS - Austin Flex Doctor of Physical Therapy (12 Terms) Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 180
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 208
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students enrolled in the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$25,419$26,182$26,700$26,700$105,000
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$300$400$950$1,650$3,300
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,050$1,050$1,050$4,200
Total cost of the program (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$26,769$27,632$28,700$29,400$112,500
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

(Programs with less than 10 graduates in calendar year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: $118,578
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt: $128,035
Program Name: USAHS - Dallas Residential Doctor of Physical Therapy Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program starting in fall 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 105
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 121
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students starting the program in fall 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$48,039$48,039$16,013$112,091
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$1,650$1,650$550$3,850
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,575$1,575$525$3,675
Total cost of the program. (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$51,264$51,264$17,088$119,616
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

Student Debt Summary
(Programs with less than 10 graduates in academic year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: n/a*
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt. n/a*
*Beginning in fall 2024, students began a revised curriculum; the first graduates will be in August 2027.
Program Name: USAHS - Dallas Residential Doctor of Physical Therapy (8 Terms) Financial Fact Sheet 2024
The data applies to students experiencing the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of weeks where either full or partial attendance is required.
Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 120
Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 138
Clinical Education
Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend? Yes
Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education.
Additional Comments:
Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students enrolled in the program between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024. Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.
Note: Annual costs are estimates and may be subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.Year 1Year 2Year 3Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-state student.
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out- of-state student.
Annual Tuition Private Institution student.$27,207$41,626$42,034$110,867
Annual Institutional Fees for a full-time student. (Includes general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.)$320$660$1,350$2,330
Total expected cost of other program-related expenses (Includes: required textbooks, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.)$1,050$1,575$1,575$4,200
Total cost of the program. (Includes tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire program.)$28,577$43,861$44,959$117,397
NOTE: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website: https://livingwage.mit.edu/
Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to DPT students?No
Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to DPT students?Yes
Does the program offer graduate assistantships specific to DPT students?No
Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT-please contact the program for further information. APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center at https://www.apta.org/your-career/financial-solutions-center.
Student Debt Summary

Student Debt Summary
(Programs with less than 10 graduates in calendar year 2024 are not required to complete this section.)
Average student debt from the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: $133,843
Average total student debt after completing the DPT Program for students who graduated or will graduate between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024. Include all student loan debt. $143,833

DPT Program Data

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

*Note: The DPT program data page links provided below pertain to the Doctor of Physical Therapy program for Summer 2024 and prior terms only.
Click the campus/program below to view the program data:

San Marcos, CA – Residential | Flex
St. Augustine, FL – Residential | Flex
Miami, FL – Residential
Austin, TX – Residential | Flex
Dallas, TX – Residential


How Do You Want to Study

The Program is Designed to be Completed in

2.3 Years


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I want to participate in an engaging, accelerated campus-focused education.

  • In-person and online learning with weekday on-campus labs.
  • Live near and study at one of our destination campuses, San Marcos, CA; St. Augustine, FL; Miami, FL; Austin, TX, with three start dates a year; and Dallas, TX, with one start a year.

Hybrid Immersion The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) is seeking approval from the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) for an expansion of its Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at its San Marcos, CA, and Miami, FL, campuses with a Hybrid Immersion model. Approval of the expansion programs is required prior to implementation.

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I want to live almost anywhere and study in an accelerated program online.

  • Online coursework and 9 on-campus learning experiences held over 3-7 days.
  • Live anywhere within U.S. approved states and come to the San Marcos, CA, or Miami, FL, campus. Start dates in Fall 2025 in San Marcos, CA. and Spring 2026 in Miami, FL.
3 Years


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I want to enjoy the benefits of online learning and take more time to earn my degree.

Take the Next Step Towards Your Future!

Want to learn more about the USAHS DPT program?
Program Details

Why USAHS for Your Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree Program

Progress as an Exceptional PT

Our Doctor of Physical Therapy degree program is an immersive academic experience that is rooted in our student-FIRST philosophy and draws on the vast knowledge and specializations of our faculty. Through integrated coursework, you will be confident and prepared for success in your clinical education experiences, practice-ready by graduation and motivated to embrace leadership in the PT profession. Our expert faculty practitioners are dedicated to your professional and clinical excellence, ensuring you develop the medical know-how to meet the demands of today’s collaborative physical therapy profession.

Do From Day One

Your clinical lab work is integrated with your classroom learning, developing your confidence in your hands-on skills as you progress through the DPT degree program. In our Center for Innovative Clinical Practice (CICP), you will be actively engaged in simulations exposing you to diverse patient populations and care scenarios. USAHS is one of the few higher education institutions in the country with simulation labs dedicated solely to rehabilitative sciences. This hands-on, integrated learning approach will familiarize you and help prepare you for your three in-person clinical experiences.

Prepare for Practice Now and For the Future

As the next generation of PT leaders, we are committed to preparing you for the future of health care. We’ve integrated coursework with cutting-edge EdTech tools to prepare you for technology you will encounter in today’s rapidly evolving world —from telehealth to virtual reality to robotics and more. USAHS believes these experiences are especially important in the current healthcare environment where patients can directly access physical therapy care without having to be evaluated by a physician. Therefore, physical therapists need greater diagnostic skills than ever before. While earning your DPT degree, you will participate in at least one interprofessional practice collaboration each term, to develop enhanced skills and prepare you for future success as part of a collaborative healthcare team.

Hands-on Practice With Real Patients

In our in-person and telehealth PT Pro Bono Clinics you will have the rewarding and unique opportunity to implement what you’ve learned in your curriculum and simulations to deliver the full range of PT care at no cost to patients from the community. Collaborate interprofessionally with students and faculty from our OT and SLP programs and receive top-notch guidance, assessment and clinical education training from licensed practicing PT clinician-academics while giving back to patients who otherwise wouldn’t have access to these types of services.

Explore Personal Areas of Interest

Develop areas of expertise during the Doctor of Physical Therapy program through elective courses that enable you to personalize your learning experience and gain exposure to specializations and topic areas that will set you apart as a PT practitioner. These electives, which cover topics such as the mechanics of running, manual therapy and exercise prescription, will increase your knowledge in specific areas of practice so you can become the PT you want to be.

Build Your Network

We’re proud of our extensive national community of more than 10,000 accomplished PT alumni with diverse specializations who practice throughout the U.S. and abroad. USAHS facilitates connections with alumni mentors and clinical practitioners to help provide the opportunity to build your network throughout your career. While earning your DPT degree at USAHS, you will actively participate in professional conferences to learn the latest trends and best practices. You can also participate in advocacy initiatives alongside influential faculty to help shape the future of the PT profession.

Progress as an Exceptional PT

Our Doctor of Physical Therapy degree program is an immersive academic experience that is rooted in our student-FIRST philosophy and draws on the vast knowledge and specializations of our faculty. Through integrated coursework, you will be confident and prepared for success in your clinical education experiences, practice-ready by graduation and motivated to embrace leadership in the PT profession. Our expert faculty practitioners are dedicated to your professional and clinical excellence, ensuring you develop the medical know-how to meet the demands of today’s collaborative physical therapy profession.

Do From Day One

Your clinical lab work is integrated with your classroom learning, developing your confidence in your hands-on skills as you progress through the DPT degree program. In our Center for Innovative Clinical Practice (CICP), you will be actively engaged in simulations exposing you to diverse patient populations and care scenarios. USAHS is one of the few higher education institutions in the country with simulation labs dedicated solely to rehabilitative sciences. This hands-on, integrated learning approach will familiarize you and help prepare you for your three in-person clinical experiences.

Prepare for Practice Now and For the Future

As the next generation of PT leaders, we are committed to preparing you for the future of health care. We’ve integrated coursework with cutting-edge EdTech tools to prepare you for technology you will encounter in today’s rapidly evolving world —from telehealth to virtual reality to robotics and more. USAHS believes these experiences are especially important in the current healthcare environment where patients can directly access physical therapy care without having to be evaluated by a physician. Therefore, physical therapists need greater diagnostic skills than ever before. While earning your DPT degree, you will participate in at least one interprofessional practice collaboration each term, to develop enhanced skills and prepare you for future success as part of a collaborative healthcare team.

Hands-on Practice With Real Patients

In our in-person and telehealth PT Pro Bono Clinics you will have the rewarding and unique opportunity to implement what you’ve learned in your curriculum and simulations to deliver the full range of PT care at no cost to patients from the community. Collaborate interprofessionally with students and faculty from our OT and SLP programs and receive top-notch guidance, assessment and clinical education training from licensed practicing PT clinician-academics while giving back to patients who otherwise wouldn’t have access to these types of services.

Explore Personal Areas of Interest

Develop areas of expertise during the Doctor of Physical Therapy program through elective courses that enable you to personalize your learning experience and gain exposure to specializations and topic areas that will set you apart as a PT practitioner. These electives, which cover topics such as the mechanics of running, manual therapy and exercise prescription, will increase your knowledge in specific areas of practice so you can become the PT you want to be.

Build Your Network

We’re proud of our extensive national community of more than 10,000 accomplished PT alumni with diverse specializations who practice throughout the U.S. and abroad. USAHS facilitates connections with alumni mentors and clinical practitioners to help provide the opportunity to build your network throughout your career. While earning your DPT degree at USAHS, you will actively participate in professional conferences to learn the latest trends and best practices. You can also participate in advocacy initiatives alongside influential faculty to help shape the future of the PT profession.

Progress as an Exceptional PT

Our Doctor of Physical Therapy degree program is an immersive academic experience that is rooted in our student-FIRST philosophy and draws on the vast knowledge and specializations of our faculty. Through integrated coursework, you will be confident and prepared for success in your clinical education experiences, practice-ready by graduation and motivated to embrace leadership in the PT profession. Our expert faculty practitioners are dedicated to your professional and clinical excellence, ensuring you develop the medical know-how to meet the demands of today’s collaborative physical therapy profession.

Do From Day One

Your clinical lab work is integrated with your classroom learning, developing your confidence in your hands-on skills as you progress through the DPT degree program. In our Center for Innovative Clinical Practice (CICP), you will be actively engaged in simulations exposing you to diverse patient populations and care scenarios. USAHS is one of the few higher education institutions in the country with simulation labs dedicated solely to rehabilitative sciences. This hands-on, integrated learning approach will familiarize you and help prepare you for your three in-person clinical experiences.

Prepare for Practice Now and For the Future

As the next generation of PT leaders, we are committed to preparing you for the future of health care. We’ve integrated coursework with cutting-edge EdTech tools to prepare you for technology you will encounter in today’s rapidly evolving world —from telehealth to virtual reality to robotics and more. USAHS believes these experiences are especially important in the current healthcare environment where patients can directly access physical therapy care without having to be evaluated by a physician. Therefore, physical therapists need greater diagnostic skills than ever before. While earning your DPT degree, you will participate in at least one interprofessional practice collaboration each term, to develop enhanced skills and prepare you for future success as part of a collaborative healthcare team.

Hands-on Practice With Real Patients

In our in-person and telehealth PT Pro Bono Clinics you will have the rewarding and unique opportunity to implement what you’ve learned in your curriculum and simulations to deliver the full range of PT care at no cost to patients from the community. Collaborate interprofessionally with students and faculty from our OT and SLP programs and receive top-notch guidance, assessment and clinical education training from licensed practicing PT clinician-academics while giving back to patients who otherwise wouldn’t have access to these types of services.

Explore Personal Areas of Interest

Develop areas of expertise during the Doctor of Physical Therapy program through elective courses that enable you to personalize your learning experience and gain exposure to specializations and topic areas that will set you apart as a PT practitioner. These electives, which cover topics such as the mechanics of running, manual therapy and exercise prescription, will increase your knowledge in specific areas of practice so you can become the PT you want to be.

Build Your Network

We’re proud of our extensive national community of more than 10,000 accomplished PT alumni with diverse specializations who practice throughout the U.S. and abroad. USAHS facilitates connections with alumni mentors and clinical practitioners to help provide the opportunity to build your network throughout your career. While earning your DPT degree at USAHS, you will actively participate in professional conferences to learn the latest trends and best practices. You can also participate in advocacy initiatives alongside influential faculty to help shape the future of the PT profession.

No GRE for highly qualified candidates*

*Candidates who have an overall cumulative GPA of 3.6 or higher or candidates who have previously earned a master’s degree are exempt from the GRE requirement.

Getting Started

Ready to begin your journey toward a fulfilling PT career? It’s easy to get started and now is the perfect time.

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