Michelle McCraney, EdD
Contributing Faculty, EdD Program

Distance Programs
College of Health Sciences
Doctor of Education Program
Instructional Design
Doctor of Education, Nova Southeastern University
Graduate Certificate, Educational Leadership, University of Central Florida
Master of Arts, Exceptional Student Education, Nova Southeastern University
Research Interests
Instruction and Assessment
Dr. Michelle McCraney joined the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences in 2019 and currently serves as a Contributing Faculty and dissertation chair/committee member in the Doctor of Education (EdD) program. Dr. McCraney has worked in education for more than 30 years. She began her career teaching special education K-12 students and at Florida’s first Charter Technical Career Center for high school and college students. She served as a teacher, district program and staffing specialist, assistant principal, principal, director, dean and associate vice president in the K-20 public education system. Since 2007, she has been a professor in higher education, teaching graduate students, providing clinical supervision and chairing dissertations of doctoral candidates.
Dr. McCraney has taught the following courses at USAHS: Teaching Methods in Higher Education, Assessment and Evaluation in Health Professional Education and Ethical Principles in Healthcare. She has participated in the curriculum development and revision process to add simulation activities and improve course curriculum. Dr. McCraney has been surveying students on their experiences with simulation and sharing best practices with other colleagues at the University.
Her work also includes input from graduate teacher interns in the program. She was a member of the Technology, Innovation and Peer Support (TIPS) team from 2019-2021 at USAHS. In addition, Dr. McCraney works with the transgender community. She participates in activities to bring acceptance and understanding to her community.